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What is GSTR-4?

GSTR-4 is the annual GST Return that has to be filed by a composition dealer. Unlike a regular taxpayer who is required to furnish 2 monthly returns and an annual return (with certain exemptions), a dealer opting for the composition scheme is required to furnish one return every quarter in Form CMP-08 and Form GSTR 4 once a year by the 30th day of April, following the financial year.

GSTR-4 due date

GSTR-4 is required to be filed on an annual basis.

The due date for filing GSTR-4 is 30th of April following the relevant financial year*. For example, the GSTR-4 for FY 2023-24 was due by 30th April 2024. Until the FY 2018-19, the due date was 18th of the month following the end of the quarter.

However, in the 53rd GST Council meeting, the Council recommended that the deadline to file GSTR-4 for a financial year will be extended from 30th April to 30th June of the succeeding financial year from FY 2024-25 onwards. This change was thereafter notified in the CGST Notification 12/204 dated 10th July 2024.

Who should file GSTR-4?

A taxpayer opting for the composition scheme is required to file GSTR-4. So, there is no GSTR-4 turnover limit specified particularly to file GSTR-4. It also covers the special composition scheme notified for the service providers vide the CGST (Rate) notification number 2/2019 dated 7th March 2020 with effect from FY 2019-20.

How to revise GSTR-4?

GSTR 4 cannot be revised after filing on the GSTN Portal.


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